The Addiction Psychiatry Prize 2025
Opens Sep 1 2024 12:00 AM (AEST)
Deadline Oct 31 2024 11:59 PM (AEDT)

About The Addiction Psychiatry Prize

The Addiction Psychiatry Prize is an annual prize awarded to a Trainee, or a Fellow who has achieved the Certificate of Advanced Training in Addiction Psychiatry within the 12 months prior to the application deadline.

The prize is an incentive award of the College, designed to encourage achievements and excellence in addiction psychiatry.


Current Trainees, or Fellows who have achieved the Certificate of Advanced Training in Addiction Psychiatry within the 12 months prior to the application deadline, are eligible to apply.
Applicants shall have completed meritorious research, a quality improvement project or case review/study in the field of addiction psychiatry. The work submitted should have been completed at least partly in Australasia within the two-year period prior to application for the Prize.
Previous recipients of the Prize will not be eligible to receive the Prize on a further occasion.

Application Process

Applicants for the Prize are required to submit an anonymised cover letter (1 page) and an anonymised copy of their work (which is subject of the Prize) in accordance with the Awards Submission Process. Submissions for the Prize may take the form of:

  • the Certificate of Advanced Training in Addiction Psychiatry Scholarly Project
  • the Certificate of Advanced Training in Addiction Psychiatry Quality Improvement Project
  • a published article
  • a draft article suitable for publication in a journal equivalent to Australasian Psychiatry
  • a case review/study

Form of award

  • A/NZ$1500.00
  • Complimentary registration to the International Medicine in Addiction conference
  • Invitation to present at the International Medicine in Addiction conference
  • A beautifully framed award certificate
  • Invitation to accept the award at the College Ceremony during Congress

The prize does not include travel support for the recipient/s to attend Congress or the Faculty Conference.


The Addiction Psychiatry Prize 2025

About The Addiction Psychiatry Prize

The Addiction Psychiatry Prize is an annual prize awarded to a Trainee, or a Fellow who has achieved the Certificate of Advanced Training in Addiction Psychiatry within the 12 months prior to the application deadline.

The prize is an incentive award of the College, designed to encourage achievements and excellence in addiction psychiatry.


Current Trainees, or Fellows who have achieved the Certificate of Advanced Training in Addiction Psychiatry within the 12 months prior to the application deadline, are eligible to apply.
Applicants shall have completed meritorious research, a quality improvement project or case review/study in the field of addiction psychiatry. The work submitted should have been completed at least partly in Australasia within the two-year period prior to application for the Prize.
Previous recipients of the Prize will not be eligible to receive the Prize on a further occasion.

Application Process

Applicants for the Prize are required to submit an anonymised cover letter (1 page) and an anonymised copy of their work (which is subject of the Prize) in accordance with the Awards Submission Process. Submissions for the Prize may take the form of:

  • the Certificate of Advanced Training in Addiction Psychiatry Scholarly Project
  • the Certificate of Advanced Training in Addiction Psychiatry Quality Improvement Project
  • a published article
  • a draft article suitable for publication in a journal equivalent to Australasian Psychiatry
  • a case review/study

Form of award

  • A/NZ$1500.00
  • Complimentary registration to the International Medicine in Addiction conference
  • Invitation to present at the International Medicine in Addiction conference
  • A beautifully framed award certificate
  • Invitation to accept the award at the College Ceremony during Congress

The prize does not include travel support for the recipient/s to attend Congress or the Faculty Conference.


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Sep 1 2024 12:00 AM (AEST)
Oct 31 2024 11:59 PM (AEDT)